A Place to Spam


Who was here 0_O

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Now I truly understand when they exaggeratedly say “I saw an Angel

I think I saw one myself. Speechless, impolitely stared (like an imbecile I am), one thing I could say “Subhanallah” ya Allah you are indeed the ruler of this world, this world that we keep destroying. A great—no The Greatest artist 004


reflections of light, straight to our eyes

defined by the pupil and collected by the retinas

translated by our brain, and so it produces view

but when I saw that Angel, she didn’t go straight to my brain,

my retina, nor my pupil

but straight to my heart Love Struck

hahaha I didn’t really expect to see her, I was off guard Feeling beat up

I’m hoping that I could be a friend, and I know she’ll guide me well..

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